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Implementing Integrated Windows Server through iSCSI to System i5

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 31 October 2006, updated 06 May 2008

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ISBN-10: 0738494941
ISBN-13: 9780738494944
IBM Form #: SG24-7230-00

Authors: Nick Harris, Phil Ainsworth, Edwin Bakker and Gary Hansen

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This IBM Redbooks publication discusses the newest implementation of the Integrated xSeries servers, which utilizes the iSCSI protocol to communicate with the System i5. The iSCSI product offers an additional scalable network connection to the System i5 system bus or the HSL loop. In this book, we discuss:

The architecture and scenarios for utilizing this new function

Concepts and terminology of iSCSI

Planning for the iSCSI environment

IBM Director Server and iSCSI

Operating iSCSI Servers

Backup and Recovery of iSCSI attached servers

Virtual Ethernet in an iSCSI environment

This book offers planning and implementation advice and guidance for IBM, IBM Business Partners, and customers.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction to iSCSI integrated server support

Chapter 2. iSCSI architecture on System i5

Chapter 4. Installing the iSCSI integrated server

Chapter 5. Implementing IBM Director Server

Chapter 6. Managing integrated iSCSI environments

Chapter 7. Backup and Recovery

Chapter 8. Virtual Ethernet LAN

Chapter 9. Scaling your iSCSI network


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