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Patterns: SOA Foundation Service Connectivity Scenario

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 17 August 2006

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ISBN-10: 0738495964
ISBN-13: 9780738495965
IBM Form #: SG24-7228-00

Authors: Carla Sadtler, Luciana Calcagno, Ryan Cox, Jerry Denman, Abdul Shad, Rodrigo Vargas and Cheng Zhou

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The IBM SOA Foundation is a reference architecture used to build new applications or extend the value of existing applications and business processes. The IBM SOA Foundation includes an integration architecture, best practices, patterns, and SOA scenarios to help simplify the packaging and use of IBM open standards-based software.

A set of SOA scenarios is being developed by IBM that describe key architectural scenarios for SOA solutions and bridge the gap between SOA and the IBM products that can be used to implement these architectures.

This IBM Redbooks publication focuses on the Service Connectivity scenario, which describes architectural solutions using an ESB. The focus of this scenario is the integration of service consumers and service providers across multiple channels.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. IBM SOA Foundation

Chapter 2. Process for applying SOA scenarios

Chapter 3. Patterns for e-business and Service Connectivity

Chapter 4. Planning for connectivity

Chapter 5. Model with Rational Software Architect

Chapter 6. Assemble with WebSphere Integration Developer

Chapter 7. Building the Credit Rating and Credit Score mediations

Chapter 8. Building the CRM mediation

Chapter 9. Building the Register Shipping mediation

Chapter 10. Building Log Registration mediation

Chapter 11. Deploy with WebSphere ESB

Chapter 12. Service monitoring and management with IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager SOA

Appendix A. Sample application install summary

Appendix B. Tips and techniques

Appendix C. Installation details

Appendix D. Additional material


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