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Supporting On Demand Business Applications with the IBM Problem Determination Tools (APA, DT, DT with Advanced Facilities, FA, File Export, FM, WS)

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 22 September 2006

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ISBN-10: 0738494984
ISBN-13: 9780738494982
IBM Form #: SG24-7192-00

Authors: Joe DeCarlo, Eric Chabert, Sylvie Delahaye, Peter Henningsen, Lars-Erik Olsson and Gary Racine

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    This IBM Redbooks publication introduces the IBM Problem Determination and Deployment Tools for z/OS and OS/390. The tools covered are:

    -> IBM Application Performance Analyzer for z/OS Version 1 Release 1

    -> IBM Debug Tool for z/OS Version 6 Release 1

    -> IBM Debug Tool and Advanced Facilities for z/OS Version 6 Release 1

    -> IBM Fault Analyzer for z/OS Version 6 Release 1

    -> IBM File Manager for z/OS Version 6 Release 1

    -> IBM File Export for z/OS Version 1 Release 1

    -> IBM Workload Simulator for z/OS and OS/390 Version 1 Release 1

    This comprehensive suite of powerful yet easy-to-use tools helps developers to efficiently build, test, and service applications while minimizing errors and increasing cost-effectiveness. The tools allow users to quickly identify and resolve problems that occur in batch, IMS, DB2, CICS, and UNIX System Services applications.

    For each tool, this book provides step-by-step instructions for installation and customization, a detailed discussion of the features and capabilities, and guidance for using the tool in your environment.

    Table of Contents

    Part 1. Executive overview and summary

    Chapter 1. Executive summary

    Chapter 2. Overview of the Problem Determination and Deployment Tools

    Part 2. Introduction to Problem Determination and Deployment Tools

    Chapter 3. Introduction to Application Performance Analyzer for z/OS

    Chapter 4. Introducing Debug Tool and Debug Tool Utilities & Advanced Functions

    Chapter 5. Introduction to Fault Analyzer for z/OS

    Chapter 6. Introduction to File Export

    Chapter 7. Introduction to File Manager for z/OS

    Chapter 8. Introduction to Workload Simulator

    Part 3. Application Performance Analyzer for z/OS

    Chapter 9. Application Performance Analyzer: settings and customization

    Chapter 10. Application Performance Analyzer: creating a monitoring request

    Chapter 11. Application Performance Analyzer: Performance Analysis Reports

    Chapter 12. Application Performance Analyzer: analyzing a job with subsystem

    Chapter 13. Application Performance Analyzer: more about reports

    Part 4. Debug Tool and Debug Tool Utilities and Advanced Functions

    Chapter 14. Debugging programs using Debug Tool

    Chapter 15. Using Debug Tool under UNIX System Services

    Chapter 16. Debug Tool and subsystems

    Chapter 17. Debug Tool Utilities and Advanced Functions

    Part 5. Fault Analyzer for z/OS

    Chapter 18. Fault Analyzer settings and customizations

    Chapter 19. Fault Analyzer interactive analysis

    Chapter 20. Fault Analyzer real-time analysis report

    Chapter 21. Fault Analyzer batch reanalysis report

    Chapter 22. Fault Analyzer and subsystems

    Chapter 23. Fault Analyzer additional information

    Part 6. File Export

    Chapter 24. Using File Export for z/OS

    Chapter 25. Test data and File Export

    Part 7. File Manager for z/OS

    Chapter 26. Using File Manager

    Chapter 27. File Manager/DB2

    Chapter 28. File Manager/IMS

    Chapter 29. Test data and File Manager

    Part 8. Workload Simulator for z/OS and OS/390

    Chapter 30. Workload Simulator and Workload Simulator Test Manager settings and customization

    Chapter 31. Workload Simulator Test Manager

    Chapter 32. Basics of scripting for Workload Simulator

    Part 9. Scenarios

    Chapter 33. Introduction to the scenarios

    Chapter 34. Guided tour of the Trader application

    Chapter 35. Scenario 1: Invalid VSAM data generating an abend

    Chapter 36. Scenario 2: using Debug Tool

    Chapter 37. Is the error in DB2 data or program logic

    Chapter 38. Using Fault Analyzer and File Manager

    Chapter 39. Using WSim to create workloads

    Chapter 40. Using Application Performance Analyzer with the WSim workload

    Part 10. Appendixes

    Appendix A. ENV - common exit environment information

    Appendix B. Additional material


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