DB2 II: Performance Monitoring, Tuning and Capacity Planning Guide
An IBM Redbooks publication
Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.
Published on 04 November 2004
ISBN-10: 0738490881
ISBN-13: 9780738490885
IBM Form #: SG24-7073-00
Authors: Nagraj Alur, Miriam Goodwin, Hajime Kawada, Roger Midgette, DB Shenoy, Ron Warley and Anjali Betawadkar-Norwood
This IBM Redbooks publication provides an overview of DB2 Information Integrator V8.2 key performance drivers; best practices to achieve optimal performance; and guidelines for monitoring a DB2 Information Integrator environment for capacity planning, problem diagnosis, and problem resolution.
This publication documents procedures for monitoring existing DB2 II implementations for the purposes of capacity planning. It also documents a methodology for routine and exception monitoring of a DB2 II environment for performance problem determination; and describes some commonly encountered performance problem scenarios and the step-by-step approach used in problem determination and resolution.
Chapter 1: DB2 Information Integrator architecture overview
Chapter 2: Introduction to performance management
Chapter 3: Key performance drivers of DB2 II V8.2
Chapter 4: Performance problem determination scenarios
Chapter 5: Capacity planning in an existing DB2 II environment
Appendix A: DB2 II V8.2 performance enhancements
Appendix B: DB2 II EXPLAIN facility with DB2 Information Integrator