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Portalizing Domino Applications for WebSphere Portal

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 22 September 2003

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ISBN-10: 0738499811
ISBN-13: 9780738499819
IBM Form #: SG24-7004-00

Authors: Tommi Tulisalo, Christopher Heltzel, Camilo Rojas, Michael Ticknor, Oliver Trabert and Marko Viksten

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Those interested Portalizing Domino Applications with Portal 5.02 should refer to theIBM Redbooks publication: Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.01. This is available at the following site:

This IBM Redbooks publication describes how to integrate existing Domino applications into the IBM WebSphere Portal. We have coined the term “portalizing” to describe this effort.

We begin by explaining why portal integration is so useful for any company that has a Domino environment, and the importance of integrating Domino applications into the WebSphere Portal. We also explain some of the key concepts of portals and Domino application integration, and outline some recognized design patterns for Domino application integration.

Next, we preview the recognized integration options which are described in detail later in the book. We also introduce the sample Domino application we used for our portalizing exercises throughout the book.

The following chapters present detailed discussions about the integration options currently available:

- Using existing portlets that ship with WebSphere Portal, including QuickLinks, Web page, Web Clipper, NotesView, XML/XSL Helper, and RSS portlet

- Using custom Domino JSP tag libraries

- Using Java programming

- Using portlet builders, including software products from IBM, Bowstreet, CONET, and others

For each of the integration options, we provide an overview of the technology, an introduction to the software and tools used, and step-by-step examples of using the techniques to portalize our sample Domino application.

This book is aimed at Domino application developers or anyone else who wants to learn how to portalize Domino applications.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction to portalizing Domino applications

Chapter 2. Integration techniques

Chapter 3. Using existing portlets

Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP tag libraries

Chapter 5. Developing Domino portlets using Java: Technology review

Chapter 6. Developing Domino portlets using Java: Integration examples

Chapter 6. Portlet builders

Appendix A. Data Dictionary for Case Study

Appendix B. Additional material


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