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WebSphere Portal on z/OS

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 06 November 2003

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ISBN-10: 0738499382
ISBN-13: 9780738499383
IBM Form #: SG24-6992-00

Authors: Tamas Vilaghy, Marlon Ebert, Lothar Goeggelmann, Ashok Iyengar, Boris Khalkhal, Henry Orton and Theresa Tai

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    This IBM Redbooks publication will help you install, tailor, and configure the PTF2 level of WebSphere Portal Server for z/OS product. We discuss architectural, installation, configuration, administration, security and problem determination issues. We show you how to deploy portlets and how to convert a "normal" WebSphere application into a portlet.

    Some of the key features of the IBM WebSphere Portal offering are that it delivers a single, universal point of access that is integrated, highly customizable and scalable to interact with key applications, content, people, and business processes. Also, it offers numerous portlets for e-mail, calendars, syndicated news, industry applications and many other functions.

    The WebSphere Portal for Multiplatforms includes three editions: Portal Enable, Portal Extend, and Portal Experience.

    This book covers the WebSphere Portal for z/OS and OS/390 product, which is based on the WebSphere Portal V4.1 Enable edition.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. WebSphere Portal architectures

    Chapter 2. Portal installation

    Chapter 3. Development environment installation

    Chapter 4. Portal administration

    Chapter 5. WebSphere Portal in a Sysplex

    Chapter 6. Portlet development and deployment

    Chapter 7. Portal security

    Chapter 8. Problem determination

    Appendix A. Portal Server environment variables

    Appendix B. WPCP environment variables

    Appendix C. RACF userid conversion script

    Appendix D. Additional material


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