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ABCs of z/OS System Programming Volume 7

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 16 October 2008

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ISBN-10: 0738431524
ISBN-13: 9780738431529
IBM Form #: SG24-6987-01

Authors: Paul Rogers and Juha Vainikainen

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The ABCs of z/OS System Programming is an eleven volume collection that provides an introduction to the z/OS operating system and the hardware architecture. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced system programmer, the ABCs collection provides the information that you need to start your research into z/OS and related subjects. If you would like to become more familiar with z/OS in your current environment, or if you are evaluating platforms to consolidate your e-business applications, the ABCs collection will serve as a powerful technical tool.

This IBM Redbooks publication describes the functions of the Infoprint Server. It will help you install, tailor, configure, and use the z/OS Version 1 Release 7 version of Infoprint Server. Topics covered in this volume are the following:

Infoprint Server

UNIX System Services overview

Infoprint Server customization

Print Interface

IP PrintWay


Infoprint Central

User interfaces to Infoprint Server

The contents of the volumes are as follows:

Volume 1: Introduction to z/OS and storage concepts, TSO/E, ISPF, JCL, SDSF, and z/OS delivery and installation

Volume 2: z/OS implementation and daily maintenance, defining subsystems, JES2 and JES3, LPA, LNKLST, authorized libraries, SMP/E, Language Environment

Volume 3: Introduction to DFSMS, data set basics storage management hardware and software, catalogs, and DFSMStvs

Volume 4: Communication Server, TCP/IP, and VTAM

Volume 5: Base and Parallel Sysplex, System Logger, Resource Recovery Services (RRS), global resource serialization (GRS), z/OS system operations, automatic restart management (ARM), Geographically Dispersed Parallel Sysplex (GDPS)

Volume 6: Introduction to security, RACF, Digital certificates and PKI, Kerberos, cryptography, zSeries firewall technologies, LDAP, and Enterprise identity mapping (EIM)

Volume 7: Printing in a z/OS environment, Infoprint Server and Infoprint Central

Volume 8: An introduction to z/OS problem diagnosis

Volume 9: z/OS UNIX System Services

Volume 10: Introduction to z/Architecture, zSeries processor design, zSeries connectivity, LPAR concepts, HCD, and HMC

Volume 11: Capacity planning, performance management, WLM, RMF, and SMF

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Infoprint Server

Chapter 2. UNIX System Services overview

Chapter 3. Infoprint Server customization

Chapter 4. Print Interface

Chapter 5. IP PrintWay

Chapter 6. NetSpool

Chapter 7. Infoprint Central

Chapter 8. User interfaces to Infoprint Server


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