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eClient 101 Customization and Integration

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 21 October 2003

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ISBN-10: 0738499196
ISBN-13: 9780738499192
IBM Form #: SG24-6964-00

Authors: Wei-Dong Zhu, Mike Grasselt, Alan Mayer and Lijing Zhang

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    This IBM Redbooks publication provides a basic introduction to IBM DB2 Content Manager Version 8 eClient. By providing helpful, easy-to-understand sample codes and step-by-step instructions, this book will help you in your next eClient integration and customization project.

    We provide detailed step-by-step instructions on installing eClient, installing eClient in a WebSphere Network Deployment environment, and using eClient.

    To prepare for eClient customization and integration, we introduce J2EE, servlets, and JSPs. We cover the eClient architecture and inspect a basic eClient control flow. We also provide the essential information required to start creating applications with EIP. We include sample codes to demonstrate the usages of APIs. In addition, we provide step-by-step instructions on setting up an eClient development environment and discuss design and implementation considerations.

    We provide sample codes for changing the look and feel, customizing the edit attributes window, adding customized functions in the search results window, and using EIP privileges for access control. By demonstrating some of the customization with the sample codes, you should have a better understanding of what and how you can customize eClient for your business needs.

    We cover e-mail integration and special topics on Information Mining Service, Siebel integration, and single sign-on integration. The installation, setup, configuration, and integration are presented with detailed step-by-step instructions. We provide detailed sample codes for enabling metadata-based data retrieval.

    Finally, we provide tips and recommendations on how to troubleshoot problems, with a list of typical problems and their resolutions. In addition, we give a brief introduction to performance tuning for eClient.

    Table of Contents

    Part 1. Getting started with eClient

    Chapter 1. Introducing Content Manager

    Chapter 2. Installing eClient

    Chapter 3. Installing eClient in a WebSphere Network Deployment environment

    Chapter 4. Using eClient

    Part 2. Preparing for eClient customization and integration

    Chapter 5. eClient architecture

    Chapter 6. Creating applications with EIP

    Chapter 7. Setting up an eClient development environment

    Part 3. Customizing eClient

    Chapter 8. Design and implementation considerations

    Chapter 9. Customizing look and feel using style sheets

    Chapter 10. Customizing the edit attributes window

    Chapter 11. Adding custom functions to search results window

    Chapter 12. Using EIP custom privileges

    Part 4. Integrating eClient

    Chapter 13. Enabling metadata-based content retrieval

    Chapter 14. Invoking eClient from another application

    Chapter 15. Siebel integration

    Chapter 16. Integrating with e-mail server

    Chapter 17. Single sign-on

    Part 5. Troubleshooting, debugging, and performance

    Chapter 18. Troubleshooting and debugging

    Chapter 19. Performance tuning

    Appendix A. Calculating memory needed for an image


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