Problem Determination for WebSphere for z/OS
An IBM Redbooks publication
Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.
Published on 07 August 2006
ISBN-10: 0738495638
ISBN-13: 9780738495637
IBM Form #: SG24-6880-02
Authors: Rica Weller, Cleberson Calefi, Per Fremstad, Keith Jabcuga, Suresh Maddukuri, Kiet Nguyen, Robyn Nostalgi and Rajesh Pericherla
IBM WebSphere Application Server for z/OS V6 is a complex product made up of many components. This IBM Redbooks publication focuses on the problems that you can experience with WebSphere for z/OS. It is intended for system programmers and administrators who need to identify, analyze, and fix problems efficiently so that they can deliver good support for the WebSphere environment.
In Part 1, we provide an overview of problem determination methodology, what skills you need, where to find information about related topics, and how to communicate with IBM when a problem occurs.
In Part 2, we describe the most common problem symptoms. Flow charts guide you through the problem analysis process step by step. Individual tasks and questions help you filter out irrelevant facts and find the problem area, so that you can identify the type, source, cause, and possibly a solution.
In Part 3, we identify possible problem areas and arrange them into four phases that correspond with WebSphere for z/OS life cycle stages. We explain how to analyze the problems and provide valuable hints and tips for avoiding them.
In Part 4, we provide means and tools for problem determination such as commands, logs, dumps, traces, and diagnostic tools. We describe other tools that can ease the day-to-day tasks and prevent problems. We also explain where to get these tools, show you how to use them, and provide examples.
Part 1. Problem determination methodology
Chapter 1. Problem determination methodology
Chapter 2. Contacting IBM: Information
Chapter 3. Information sources
Part 2. Problem symptoms and their resolutions
Chapter 4. Exceptions and error messages
Chapter 5. Abend
Chapter 6. Hang
Chapter 7. Timeout
Chapter 8. Does not stop
Chapter 9. Job failed
Chapter 10. No response
Chapter 11. No resource access
Chapter 12. High CPU utilization
Chapter 13. WebSphere for z/OS performance analysis
Part 3. Problem avoidance and best practices
Chapter 14. Phase 1: Installation, configuration, and migration
Chapter 15. Phase 2: Application deployment
Chapter 16. Phase 3: Run applications
Chapter 17. Phase 4: System run time
Part 4. Problem Determination Means and Tools
Chapter 18. Commands
Chapter 19. Logs for problem determination in WebSphere for z/OS
Chapter 20. WebSphere for z/OS traces and dumps
Chapter 21. Diagnostic tools for WebSphere for z/OS
Chapter 22. Other handy tools
Appendix A. Messages and codes
Appendix B. Additional material