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IBM eServer iSeries Independent ASPs: A Guide to Moving Applications to IASPs

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 16 May 2003

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ISBN-10: 0738425745
ISBN-13: 9780738425740
IBM Form #: SG24-6802-00

Authors: Nick Harris, Doug Bidwell, Darryl Conner, Manfred Englebart, Alan Kennedy and Stu Preacher

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    This IBM® IBM Redbooks publication explains how to install and configure the new independent auxiliary storage pool (IASP) functionality of OS/400® V5R2. It is designed to help IBM technical professionals, Business Partners, and Customers understand and implement IASP in the IBM eServer iSeries server and under OS/400 V5R2.

    In addition, this book provides the background information that is necessary to plan, implement, and customize this functionality to your particular environment. It provides advice on running native OS/400 applications with either application data or most application objects residing in an IASP. Considering you can also use IASPs in a cluster environment, this book shows you the basic steps to make your IASP switchable between two iSeries servers in a high-speed link (HSL) loop.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. Introduction to independent auxiliary storage pools (IASPs)

    Chapter 2. Planning for IASPs

    Chapter 3. Configuration examples

    Chapter 4. Application considerations

    Chapter 5. Configuration and management

    Chapter 6. Stand-alone IASP setup

    Chapter 7. Switchable setup

    Chapter 8. Installing applications

    Chapter 9. An implementation example

    Chapter 10. SAP in an IASP

    Chapter 11. Backup and recovery

    Appendix A. Prerequisite steps

    Appendix B. Planning checklists

    Appendix C. Disk unit selection criteria

    Appendix D. The SETASPGRP command

    Appendix E. Command-to-Navigator cross reference

    Appendix F. Supported and unsupported objects, APIs


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