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IBM WebSphere and Microsoft .NET Interoperability

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 19 July 2006

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ISBN-10: 0738495573
ISBN-13: 9780738495576
IBM Form #: SG24-6799-00

Authors: Edward Oguejiofor, Ken Childers, David Dhuyvetter, Peter Hood, Vijay Mann, Sudhakar Nagarajan and Gerd Sommerhäuser

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    This IBM Redbooks publication explores interoperability design between applications running on IBM WebSphere and Microsoft's .NET platforms at the component level and using Web Services technologies. It is a good source of information for IT architects, IT specialists, application integrators and developers who have to design and develop interoperability solutions.

    Part 1, "Introduction", provides an overview of application interoperability starting with the business and technology drivers and introduces the concept of the Application Interoperability Stack, which defines a structured approach for application interoperability considerations and design.

    Part 2, "Component interoperability", provides an overview for component level interoperability and considerations to help with component interoperability solution design. A sample scenario shows interoperability between the WebSphere Java service component and .NET Windows Forms application.

    Part 3, "Web Services interoperability", introduces application interoperability implementation using Web Services technologies. It includes considerations to aid solution design and a sample scenario implementation showing WebSphere to .NET interoperability using Web Services technologies.

    Table of Contents

    Part 1. Introduction

    Chapter 1. Application interoperability overview

    Chapter 2. Introduction to J2EE and WebSphere platform

    Chapter 3. Introduction to .NET platform

    Part 2. Component interoperability

    Chapter 4. Introduction to component interoperability

    Chapter 5. Designing component interoperability

    Chapter 6. Component interoperability scenario

    Part 3. Web Services interoperability

    Chapter 7. Introduction to Web Services Interoperability

    Chapter 8. Designing Web Services interoperability

    Chapter 9. Web Services interoperability scenario

    Part 4. Appendices

    Appendix A. Additional material


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