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E-mail Archiving and Records Management Integrated Solution Guide Using IBM DB2 CommonStore and DB2 Records Manager

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 26 January 2006

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ISBN-10: 0738494127
ISBN-13: 9780738494128
IBM Form #: SG24-6795-00

Authors: Wei-Dong Zhu, Torsten Friedrich, R Hogg, Juergen Maletz, Philip McBride and Dean New

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As more companies need to manage their e-mail to support regulatory compliance, litigation, and corporate policy and to improve system performance and productivity, the e-mail archiving and records management solution presented in this IBM Redbooks publication is here to rescue.

In this book, we provide a general solution guide to address e-mail archiving and records management issues using the following IBM products:

- IBM DB2 CommonStore for Lotus Domino V8.3 or IBM DB2 CommonStore for Exchange Server V8.3

- IBM DB2 Records Manager V4.1.2

- IBM DB2 Content Manager V8.3

- IBM DB2 Content Manager Records Enabler V8.3

We describe the products’ roles in the solution and introduce the basic concepts behind e-mail archiving and e-mail records enabling. We cover features and functions of CommonStore, Records Manager, and Records Enabler, and address key areas to understand and consider when planning and designing each piece of the solution and the overall integrated solution. In addition, we discuss different system configurations, implementation paths, security, the end-to-end solution installation and configuration, and some advanced topics such as records disposition and discovery.

This book is intended for IT architects and specialists who will be responsible in planning, designing, and implementing an e-mail archiving and records management solution.

Table of Contents

Part 1. Design and planning

Chapter 1. Solution overview

Chapter 2. Design and planning for e-mail archiving

Chapter 3. Design and planning for e-mail records enabling

Chapter 4. Security and user IDs

Chapter 5. Integrated solution design and planning

Part 2. Installation and configuration

Chapter 6. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and Windows environment

Chapter 7. Installation and configuration in a Microsoft Exchange environment

Chapter 8. Installation and configuration in a Lotus Domino and AIX environment

Part 3. Advanced topics

Chapter 9. Deployment considerations

Chapter 10. Records Manager configuration and administration

Chapter 11. Discovery

Appendix A. File plan used during this Redbook

Appendix B. Important log files for troubleshooting


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