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Administering and Implementing WebSphere Business Integration Server V4.3

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 10 April 2006

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ISBN-10: 0738497266
ISBN-13: 9780738497266
IBM Form #: SG24-6647-00

Authors: Alicia Harvey, Travis Jeanneret, Thiam Cheng Lee, Rangarajan S Manavalan and Marty Trice

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    This IBM IBM Redbooks publication describes three major phases in a WebSphere Business Integration (BI) project.

    We discuss the planning and system design for a WebSphere BI infrastructure designed to support several business integration projects.

    - We extend the real-life scenario written for another book. Following planning and design, we discuss the implementation of the run-time engines available in IBM WebSphere Business Integration Server V4.3.

    - The next phase is developing and testing a business integration solution within our infrastructure. The integration solution combines three run-time engines of WebSphere Business Integration Server V4.3. These engines provide for human interaction, straight-through processing, and message brokering and aggregation.

    - The final phase of our WebSphere BI project involves deploying the solution into the production environment, and how to manage this solution. We address issues such as how to coordinate stopping and starting components, and troubleshooting run-time problems. We end by discussing performance tuning in WebSphere Business Integration Server V4.3.

    Table of Contents

    Part 1. Implementing a BI solution framework

    Chapter 1. The state of business integration technology

    Chapter 2. Building an implementation plan

    Chapter 3. Implementing the runtime components

    Chapter 4. Implementing client components

    Part 2. Implementing business integration solution components

    Chapter 5. Application scenario and solution design

    Chapter 6. Implementing a process model in WebSphere MQ Workflow

    Chapter 7. Sales order management in InterChange Server

    Chapter 8. Replenishing parts in WebSphere BI Message Broker

    Part 3. Managing a business integration solution

    Chapter 9. Handling deployment and change

    Chapter 10. Operational aspects of a WebSphere BI server implementation

    Chapter 11. Tuning a WebSphere BI Server infrastructure

    Appendix A. Our hardware and software configuration

    Appendix B. Configuring LDAP for use with RBAC


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