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Experiences with Oracle for Linux on zSeries

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 07 April 2003, updated 10 April 2003

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ISBN-10: 073842515X
ISBN-13: 9780738425153
IBM Form #: SG24-6552-00

Authors: Viviane Anavi-Chaput, Kathryn Arrell, Denny Dutcavich, Bruce Frank, Michael Gorman, Mark Jaenen and Tom Russell

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    This IBM Redbooks publication describes experiences gained while installing and testing Oracle9i for Linux on zSeries, such as:

    Setting up the development systems at Oracle for the Linux on zSeries environment

    Installing the Oracle9i instances for Linux/390 on zSeries

    Performing basic monitoring and tuning exercises.

    The book is based on real-world experiences gained by team members and technical professionals during development and early testing of this product at:

    The IBM Oracle EMEA Joint Solution Center, Montpellier, France

    The IBM Oracle International Competency Center, San Mateo, California

    Early customer installations

    Development systems at Oracle in Redwood Shores, California.

    This book will be of use to those customers who are using Oracle9i for Linux/390 on zSeries for the first time.

    Table of Contents

    1. Overview of Oracle9i on zSeries

    2. How to deploy Oracle9i on Linux/390

    3. Installing Oracle9i database on zSeries with Linux

    4. Creating multiple Linux virtual machines with shared Oracle binaries under z/VM

    5. Migrating Oracle9i to Linux for zSeries

    6. Using RMAN to handle backup and recovery

    7. Installing and configuring Oracle Enterprise Manager

    8. Performance and scalability considerations

    9. Using Statspack to collect VMSTAT information

    10. Implementing RAC on Oracle9i on Linux on zSeries

    11. Using WebSphere with Oracle9i


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