IBM Dynamic Infrastructure for mySAP Business Suite on IBM zSeries
An IBM Redbooks publication
Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.
Published on 28 September 2005
ISBN-10: 0738493716
ISBN-13: 9780738493718
IBM Form #: SG24-6473-00
Authors: Lydia Parziale, Patrick Horkan, Steffen König and Edson Manoel
IBM Dynamic Infrastructure (IBM DI) for mySAP Business Suite is the new systems management software that enables clients to achieve a better balance between the demand for SAP computing resources and the supply of those resources. IDI for mySAP Business Suite helps reduce total cost of ownership and improve the quality of service in SAP solution environments, while supporting the SAP Adaptive Computing Infrastructure. IBM DI for mySAP Business Suite helps clients design and implement IBM DI for SAP solutions.
This IBM Redbooks publication describes how to map a current infrastructure to a customized installation of IBM DI. It also provides examples of an on demand solution in a heterogeneous environment that will enable customers to run their SAP environments more efficiently.
Dynamically provisioned SAP application servers assist administrators in providing business-required accountability and Service Level Agreement (SLA0 compliance and management tools.
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Our sample customer implementation
Chapter 3. Infrastructures and architectures
Chapter 4. IBM DI installation and configuration in our sample environment
Chapter 5. Dynamic provisioning and deprovisioning of SAP Application servers
Chapter 6. A demonstration of cost transparency
Chapter 7. Preview of IBM DI Release 2
Appendix A. Sample installation checklists
Appendix B. Sample DCM XML file