WebSphere Version 6 Web Services Handbook Development and Deployment
An IBM Redbooks publication
Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.
Published on 25 July 2005, updated 25 July 2005
ISBN-10: 0738492159
ISBN-13: 9780738492155
IBM Form #: SG24-6461-00
Authors: Ueli Wahli, Thomas Kjaer, Brett Robertson, Fumiko Satoh, Franz-Josef Schneider, Witold Szczeponik and Chris Whyley
This IBM Redbooks publication describes the concepts of Web services from various perspectives. It presents the major building blocks on which Web services rely. Here, well-defined standards and new concepts are presented and discussed.
While these concepts are described as vendor independent, this book also presents the IBM view and illustrates with suitable demonstration applications how Web services can be implemented using the IBM product portfolio, especially IBM WebSphere Application Server Version 6.0 and IBM Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software Version 6.0.
This book is a rewrite of the book "WebSphere Version 5.1 Application Developer 5.1.1 Web Services Handbook," SG24-6891-01.
The new book covers the latest specifications in regard to Web services and Web services security. The new book uses the same weather forecast application as the base for all examples, but updated to Version 6 of the products.
This book is structured into three parts:
Part 1 presents the underlying concepts, architectures, and specifications for the use of Web services.
Part 2 shows how Web services can be implemented and deployed using the latest IBM products. Here, we introduce the weather forecast application, which we use in many ways to demonstrate these concepts and features.
Part 3 shows some advanced techniques, such as Web services security, interoperability, and the service integration bus.
Part 1. Web services concepts
Chapter 1. Web services introduction
Chapter 2. Web services standards
Chapter 3. Introduction to SOAP
Chapter 4. Introduction to WSDL
Chapter 5. JAX-RPC (JSR 101)
Chapter 6. Web Services for J2EE
Chapter 7. Introduction to UDDI
Chapter 8. Web Services Inspection Language
Chapter 9. Web services security
Chapter 10. Web services interoperability
Chapter 11. Web services architectures
Chapter 12. Best practices
Part 2. Implementing and using Web services
Chapter 13. IBM products for Web services
Chapter 14. Sample application: Weather forecast
Chapter 15. Development overview
Chapter 16. Develop Web services with Application Developer V6.0
Chapter 17. Test and monitor Web services
Chapter 18. Deploy and run Web services in WebSphere Application Server V6.0
Chapter 19. Command-line tools, Ant, and multiprotocol binding
Part 3. Advanced Web services techniques
Chapter 20. Web services interoperability tools and examples
Chapter 21. Securing Web services
Chapter 22. Web services and the service integration bus
Chapter 23. Implementing a private UDDI registry
Chapter 24. Web services caching
Appendix A. Installation and setup
Appendix B. WS-Security configuration details: Mapping V5/V6, predefined properties, sample forms
Appendix C. Additional material