Content Manager OnDemand Backup, Recovery, and High Availability
An IBM Redbooks publication
Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.
Published on 31 October 2005
ISBN-10: 0738492906
ISBN-13: 9780738492902
IBM Form #: SG24-6444-00
Authors: Wei-Dong Zhu, Monti Abrahams, Doris Ming Ming Ngai, Sandi Pond, Hernan Schiavi, Hassan A. Shazly, Ed Stonesifer and Vanessa Stonesifer
This IBM Redbooks publication helps you understand backup, recovery, high availability, business continuity strategies, and options available for IBM DB2 Content Manager OnDemand. We begin with an introduction of the basic concepts of backup and recovery, high availability, disaster recovery, and business continuity. We also provide an overview of IBM DB2 Content Manager OnDemand.
Because OnDemand is available on multiplatforms, iSeries, and z/OS, we address each platform separately, and discuss the backup and recovery strategies and options for each platform. In addition, we discuss various high availability and business continuity strategies and options. When applicable, we provide practical procedures and steps to accomplish backup, recovery, and high availability with sample commands and scripts. In some instances, case studies are presented to show you how real-world businesses implement backup procedures, high availability configurations, and disaster recovery plans.
This book is intended for IT architects, IT specialists, and OnDemand system administrators who are responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining OnDemand systems for various platforms.
Part 1. Introduction
Chapter 1. Basic concepts
Chapter 2. Content Manager OnDemand overview
Part 2. Multiplatforms
Chapter 3. Backup and recovery for OnDemand Multiplatforms
Chapter 4. High availability and business continuity for OnDemand Multiplatforms
Chapter 5. Case studies for OnDemand Multiplatforms
Part 3. iSeries
Chapter 6. iSeries architecture
Chapter 7. OnDemand for iSeries overview
Chapter 8. Backup and recovery for OnDemand iSeries
Chapter 9. High availability strategies and options for the OnDemand iSeries
Chapter 10. Case studies for OnDemand iSeries
Part 4. z/OS
Chapter 11. OnDemand overview for z/OS
Chapter 12. Backup and recovery for OnDemand z/OS
Chapter 13. High availability for OnDemand z/OS in a SYSPLEX environment
Chapter 14. Case study for OnDemand z/OS
Appendix A. Sample scripts and programs for the high availability scenarios
Appendix B. Sample PPRC scripts for failover