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IBM WebSphere Portal for Multiplatforms V5 Handbook

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 18 March 2004

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ISBN-10: 0738498882
ISBN-13: 9780738498881
IBM Form #: SG24-6098-00

Authors: Rufus Credle, Faheem Altaf, Serena Chan, Fernanda Gomes, Sunil Hiranniah, Pralhad Khatri, Shun Zhong Li and Vikrant Mastoli

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This IBM Redbooks publication positions the IBM WebSphere Portal for Multiplatforms as the solution to best address the process of building scalable and reliable business-to-employee (B2E), business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) portals.

The IBM WebSphere Portal for Multiplatforms V5 Handbook will help you to understand the WebSphere Portal architecture, how to install, tailor and configure WebSphere Portal, and how to administer and customize portal pages using WebSphere Portal.

In this book, we discuss the installation of IBM WebSphere Portal for Multiplatforms within the Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, IBM AIX, SuSE SLE8 Linux, Solaris 8, and zLinux environments using Setup Manager. The ability to set up a clustered environment is covered, as well as a demonstration of migrating from WebSphere Portal V4.2 to V5.0.

In this book, we illustrate the implementation and the use of the following directory services: IBM Directory Server, Lotus Domino Enterprise Server, and Sun ONE Directory Server.

In the IBM WebSphere Portal for Multiplatforms V5 Handbook, you will find step-by-step examples and scenarios showing ways to rapidly integrate your enterprise applications into an IBM WebSphere Portal environment using state-of-the-art technologies such as portlets. You will be able to implement new and enhanced capabilities incorporated in current releases of IBM WebSphere Portal offerings, which provide powerful collaboration applications such as Lotus QuickPlace, Lotus Sametime, and Lotus Collaborative components.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction: WebSphere Portal for Multiplatforms V5

Chapter 2. Portal technology

Chapter 3. WebSphere Portal V5 prerequisites and planning

Chapter 4. WebSphere Portal: Microsoft Windows 2000 installation

Chapter 5. WebSphere Portal: SUSE SLES 8 Linux installation

Chapter 6. WebSphere Portal: IBM AIX V5.2 installation

Chapter 7. WebSphere Portal: clustering

Chapter 8. WebSphere Portal: Sun Solaris 8.0 installation

Chapter 9. WebSphere Portal: zLinux (SUSE SLES Linux 7) installation

Chapter 10. WebSphere Portal administration

Chapter 11. WebSphere Portal customization

Chapter 12. Migration from WebSphere Portal V4.2 to V5

Appendix A. Identity management

Appendix B. Preparing the AIX machine

Appendix C. Creating users on AIX

Appendix D. Installing fixes

Appendix E. Text-based Portal installation on Solaris

Appendix F. Hints to set up the Solaris environment

Appendix G. Creating users and groups in SUSE SLES V8.0

Appendix H. UNIX commands on SUSE SLES V8.0

Appendix I. Implementing the Portal V5 environment for migration from Portal V4.x

Appendix J. Setting portlet column width


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