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CICS Performance Analyzer

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 01 December 2003, updated 13 August 2010

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ISBN-10: 0738499013
ISBN-13: 9780738499017
IBM Form #: SG24-6063-00

Authors: Chris Rayns, Shirley Collins, Eugene Deborin, Peter Klein, Greg Todaro, Mark Todd and Norbert Verbestel

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This IBM® Redbooks® publication targets CICS® Transaction Server V1.3 and V2.2 customers who plan to implement IBM CICS Performance Analyzer. This tool allows you to produce a wide range of reports and extracts to help you tune and manage CICS systems.

The first part of this book begins with an overview of CICS-provided tools and utilities that help you gather and analyze performance data. Then it introduces the CICS Performance Analyzer product and its various report generating options. It also shows you how to import the extracted performance data into spreadsheets for further analysis.

The second part of this book takes you through a series of scenarios that cover major CICS components and interfaces. These include CICS-VSAM interface, CICS-DB2® Attachment Facility, CICS use of the MVS™ System Logger, Java™ applications in CICS, and others. For each scenario, you see how you can extract the relevant performance data using CICS Performance Analyzer. You can then use this data to improve the overall system performance or to compare different execution options at run time.

This Redbooks publication explores the new functionality of CICS PA Release 1.3, including IBM WebSphere MQ and how CICS PA now handles System Management Facility (SMF) 116 records. It looks at the new CICS Monitoring Facility (CMF) reports such as the Wait Analysis and Temporary Storage Usage reports. It aslo explains the Historical Database (HDB) facility for maintaining a history of CMF performance data for longer term reporting or exporting to DB2.

Table of Contents

Part 1. CICS Performance Analyzer overview

Chapter 1. CICS performance management

Chapter 2. A quick start to CICS Performance Analyzer

Chapter 3. Reports and extracts

Chapter 4. Processing extracts

Part 2. CICS Performance Analyzer in action

Chapter 5. System setup and scenario overview

Chapter 6. VSAM application performance analysis and Transaction Resource Monitoring support

Chapter 7. Tuning the CICS DB2 attachment facility

Chapter 8. WebSphere MQ

Chapter 9. CICS and MVS System Logger

Chapter 10. Scenarios with CICS Transaction Gateway

Chapter 11. CICS Web Support and 3270 Bridge

Chapter 12. Java applications in CICS

Chapter 13. Enterprise JavaBeans in CICS

Chapter 14. Application Naming support

Chapter 15. CALL and LINK performance

Chapter 16. Exception reporting

Chapter 17. Analyzing overall system performance

Chapter 18. Using CICS Performance Analyzer reports for problem determination

Chapter 19. Historical Database


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