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Lotus Domino for AS/400 Internet Mail and More

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 20 October 2000

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ISBN-10: 0738418463
ISBN-13: 9780738418469
IBM Form #: SG24-5990-00

Authors: Justine Middleton and Jana Jamsek

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Expand your business communication capabilities with Internet mail on Lotus Domino for AS/400. Now your mail users can contact and connect with an entire world of people who are eager to communicate with them.

This IBM Redbooks publication explains how to set up your Lotus Domino for AS/400 server to exchange mail with other SMTP servers, including those within the Internet. It explains a broad spectrum of Lotus Domino for AS/400 and SMTP mail topics, such as POP3, IMAP, and MIME. It demonstrates several approaches for registering both Notes and POP3 users, and takes you through the steps to ensure consistent user settings through user setup profiles. Plus, it introduces the new feature that now allows you to bind OS/400 to a specific IP address to support both Domino SMTP and OS/400 SMTP at the same time.

You'll also learn about:

- Directory catalogs

- Directory assistance

- Using a User Auxiliary Storage Pool (ASP) to store Domino data

- Much more

This book targets Lotus Domino for AS/400 administrators who configure their organization's servers for Internet mail. If you've been given the task to take your Domino Mail to a new level, this is the book for you.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. Preparation

Chapter 3. Configuring Domino for SMTP

Chapter 4. Directory documents for SMTP

Chapter 5. One iSeries server and two SMTPs

Chapter 6. Server topics

Chapter 7. User registration and setup

Chapter 8. Client topics

Chapter 9. Troubleshooting e-mail delivery

Chapter 10. Extending the integrated file system with UDFS

Chapter 11. Directories

Chapter 12. Single SMTP domain with bind to specific IP address

Appendix A. Setting up a DNS

Appendix B. Server cross certification


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