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Lotus Domino for S/390 Release 5: Problem Determination Guide

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 07 January 2000

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ISBN-10: 0738415081
ISBN-13: 9780738415086
IBM Form #: SG24-5599-00

Authors: Mike Ebbers, John Anderson, Philippe Comte, Masayuki Kamitohno, Camilla Moore, Ramdzan Minhat and Masafumi Nakayama

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This IBM Redbooks publication provides suggestions on how to approach problems that may occur in a Domino production environment on the S/390 platform. The first part of the book covers architecture and terminology to familiarize you with the environment. The second part contains step-by-step approaches to enable you to track down the source of a problem and take steps to fix it. The third part contains tools and resources that you can use during problem determination. The appendix contains worksheets and other helpful information.

This book assumes some knowledge of Domino and OS/390 operations. The intended audience is UNIX and OS/390 system programmers, Domino administrators, and other people who support a production Domino system in the OS/390 environment.

Table of Contents

Part 1. The Environment

Chapter 1. How to Use This Redbook

Chapter 2. Domino Architecture For Problem Determination

Chapter 3. he OS/390 Environment and Terminology

Chapter 4. Domino R5 Server Implementation in S/390

Part 2. The Methodology

Chapter 5. Handling Problems in a Domino for S/390 Environment

Chapter 6. Troubleshooting Techniques and Tips

Part 3. Tools and Resources

Chapter 7. Maintenance Philosophy

Chapter 8. Tools in the OS/390 Environment

Chapter 9. Tools for Domino

Chapter 10. Tools for Network Troubleshooting

Chapter 11. Real Case Studies

Chapter 12. Automation of Domino Operations

Chapter 13. How to Avoid Domino Problems

Chapter 14. Resources

App. A Our Test Environment at the ITSO

App. B Sample Scripts and Programs

App. C Summary of Tools by Problem Type

App. D Example of threads waiting and a ps command


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