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IBM Tivoli Storage Management Concepts

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 06 June 2006, updated 19 March 2007

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ISBN-10: 0738497029
ISBN-13: 9780738497020
IBM Form #: SG24-4877-04

Authors: Charlotte Brooks, Peter McFarlane, Norbert Pott, Martin Trcka and Eduardo Tomaz

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This IBM Redbooks publication describes the features and functions of IBM Tivoli Storage Manager. It introduces Tivoli Storage Management concepts for those new to storage management, in general, and to IBM Tivoli Storage Manager, in particular.

This easy-to-follow guide gives a broad understanding of IBM Tivoli Storage Manager software, the key technologies to know, and the solutions available to protect your business. It offers a broad understanding of how IBM Tivoli Storage Manager will work in heterogeneous environments including Windows, UNIX/Linux, OS/400, and z/OS platforms, and with mission-critical applications such as DB/2, Oracle, Lotus Domino, Exchange, SAP, and many more.

The book introduces storage management software by explaining the concepts, architecture, and systems management features of IBM Tivoli Storage Manager and showing available complementary products. It will help you design solutions to protect data holdings from losses ranging from those caused by user error to complete site disasters.

Table of Contents

Part 1. Storage management concepts

Chapter 1. Introduction to IBM Tivoli Storage Manager

Chapter 2. Business requirements

Chapter 3. Architectural concepts

Chapter 4. Planning concepts

Part 2. Client architecture

Chapter 5. Client data movement methods

Chapter 6. Backup-archive client

Chapter 7. API client

Chapter 8. HSM solutions

Part 3. Server architecture

Chapter 9. Policy management

Chapter 10. Scheduling

Chapter 11. Data storage

Chapter 12. Managing users and security levels

Chapter 13. Licensing

Chapter 14. Enterprise Management

Chapter 15. High availability clustering

Chapter 16. Disaster Recovery Manager

Chapter 17. Reporting

Part 4. Complementary products

Chapter 18. IBM Tivoli Continuous Data Protection for Files

Chapter 19. IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases

Chapter 20. IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Mail

Chapter 21. IBM Tivoli Storage Manager solutions for mySAP

Chapter 22. IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Applications

Chapter 23. Complementary products

Part 5. Appendixes

Appendix A. Planning and sizing worksheets


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