z/OS 64-bit C/C++ and Java Programming Environment
An IBM Redpaper publication
Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.
One of the key enhancements available in z/OS V1R6 is 64-bit application development support for C/C++. With 64-bit support, applications can take advantage of the expanded 1 million TB address space. In this IBM Redpaper, we introduce C/C++ programming in a 64-bit environment, examine changes to the z/OS Language Environment, discuss migrating to 64-bit, and consider Java 64-bit programming.
- The z/OS 64-bit programming model
- Compiling and linking 64-bit programs
- The 64-bit memory model
- Changes to the Language Environment
- ILP32 and LP64 coexistence
- General C/C++ migration tips
- Porting Java applications