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IBM Storage Scale Information Lifecycle Management Policies

An IBM Redpaper publication


Published on 28 October 2024

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ISBN-10: 0738461822
ISBN-13: 9780738461823
IBM Form #: REDP-5739-00

Authors: Nils Haustein

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This IBM Redpaper provides comprehensive guidance for IBM® Storage Scale™ Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) policies applicable to internal and external storage pools. External pools can be provided with extra software from IBM such as IBM Storage Archive Enterprise Edition and IBM Storage Protect for Space Management. IBM Storage Scale is a clustered and scalable file system software from IBM. IBM Storage Scale includes a policy engine allowing to place, migrate and list files based on their attributes and characteristics.

This Redpaper guides you through the concepts of IBM Storage Scale ILM policies and focuses on the integration of IBM Storage Scale with IBM Storage Archive Enterprise Edition. Readers of this document should have basic administrative knowledge regarding IBM Storage Scale concepts, architectures, and policies.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. ILM Policies and Rules

Chapter 3. Recall

Chapter 4. Examples and use cases