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IBM TS7700 R5.4 DS8000 Object Store User’s Guide

An IBM Redpaper publication


Published on 03 October 2024

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ISBN-10: 0738461741
ISBN-13: 9780738461748
IBM Form #: REDP-5583-03

Authors: Lourie Goodall, Dave Brettell and Rin Fujiwara

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The IBM TS7700 features a functional enhancement that allows for the TS7700 to act as an object store for IBM DS8000® Transparent Cloud Tiering with IBM DS8000, DFSMShsm (HSM), and native DFSMSdss (DSS). This function can be used to move data sets directly from DS8000 to TS7700. This IBM Redpaper publication provides a functional overview of the features, provides client value information, and walks through DFSMS, DS8000, and TS7700 set up steps.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1, “Overview”

Chapter 2, “Hardware and software requirements”

Chapter 3, “Configuration and setup”

Chapter 4, “Transparent cloud tiering object data flow”

Chapter 5, “TS7700 cache partitioning”

Chapter 6, “TS7700 object management”

Chapter 7, “TS7700 management interface”

Chapter 8, “Host commands”

Chapter 9, “Statistical data”

Chapter 10, “Migration services”

Chapter 11, “Events and notifications”

Appendix A, “Transparent cloud tiering setup worksheet”