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IBM Spectrum Virtualize: Hot-Spare Node and NPIV Target Ports

An IBM Redpaper publication


Published on 19 January 2018, updated 18 July 2019

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ISBN-10: 0738456616
ISBN-13: 9780738456614
IBM Form #: REDP-5477-00

Authors: Alex Ainscow, FIona Crowther, Gareth Jones, Anil Palled, Graham Woodward and Jon Tate

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The use of N_Port ID Virtualization (NPIV) to provide host-only ports (NPIV target ports) and spare nodes improves the host failover characteristics by separating out host communications from communication tasks on the same port and providing standby hardware, which can be automatically introduced into the cluster to reintroduce redundancy.

Because the host ports are not used for internode communications, they can freely move between nodes, and this includes spare nodes that are added to the cluster automatically.

This IBM® Redpaper™ publication describes the use of the IBM Spectrum™ Virtualize Hot-Spare Node function to provide a high availability storage infrastructure. This paper focuses on the functional behavior of hot-spare node when subjected to various failure conditions.

This paper does not provide the details necessary to implement the reference architectures (although some implementation detail is provided).

Table of Contents

Terminology: Ports and nodes

Basic functionality

Hardware compatibility

Multi-site clusters

Implementation considerations


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