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IBM DS8000 High-Performance Flash Enclosure Gen2 (DS8000 R9.0)

An IBM Redpaper publication


Published on 20 December 2019, updated 13 February 2023

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ISBN-10: 0738458260
ISBN-13: 9780738458267
IBM Form #: REDP-5422-03

Authors: Bert Dufrasne, Detlef Helmbrecht and Peter Kimmel

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This IBM® Redpaper™ publication describes the IBM DS8880 High-Performance Enclosure (HPFE) Gen2 architecture and configuration, as of DS8900 Release 9.1.

The IBM® DS8000® High-Performance Flash Enclosure Gen2 (HPFE Gen2) is a 2U storage enclosure that is installed in pairs in DS8900F and DS8880 models.

The flash enclosure and Flash RAID adapters are installed in pairs. Each storage enclosure pair can support 16, 32, or 48 encryption-capable flash drives (2.5-inch, 63.5 mm form factor).

Table of Contents

High-Performance Flash Enclosure Gen2 highlights

DS8900F models support for HPFE Gen2

DS8880 models support for HPFE Gen2


Easy Tier and flash drives

Smart Rebuild


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