Published on 09 February 2017
ISBN-10: 0738455989
ISBN-13: 9780738455983
IBM Form #: REDP-5404-00
Authors: Li Cao, José Cortés, Mark Detrick, Steve Guendert, Michael Mettler, Lukasz Razmuk and Megan Gilge
This IBM® Redpaper™ publication helps network and storage administrators understand how to implement the IBM SAN42B-R Extension Switch and the IBM b-type Gen 6 Extension Blade for distance replication. It provides an overview of the IBM System Storage® SAN42B-R extension switch hardware and software features, describes the extension architecture, shows example implementations, and explains how to troubleshoot your extension products.
IBM b-type extension products provide long-distance replication of your data for business continuity by using disaster recovery (BC/DR).
This paper provides an overview of extension, detailed information about IBM b-type extension technologies and products, preferred topologies, example implementations with FCIP and TS7760/7700 Grid IP Extension, monitoring, and troubleshooting.
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. The IBM System Storage SAN42B-R extension switch and the IBM b-type Gen 6 Extension Blade
Chapter 3. Extension architectures
Chapter 4. FCIP replication
Chapter 5. IP Extension with the TS7760/TS7700 Grid
Chapter 6. FCIP and integrated routing
Chapter 7. Troubleshooting and monitoring