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Using IBM DS8000 in an OpenStack Environment

An IBM Redpaper publication


Published on 28 December 2017

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ISBN-10: 0738456535
ISBN-13: 9780738456539
IBM Form #: REDP-5220-01

Authors: Bert Dufrasne and Axel Westphal

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    With the availability of the IBM® Storage Driver for OpenStack, the IBM DS8000® can offer a range of capabilities that enable more effective storage automation deployments to private or public clouds. Enabling OpenStack with DS8000 allows storage to be made available whenever it is needed without the traditional associated cost of highly skilled administrators and infrastructure.

    This IBM Redpaper™ publication explains how to integrate the DS8000 in an OpenStack environment, first from the DS8000 Storage Administrator perspective and then from a cloud administrator standpoint.

    This paper also contains practical examples and illustrations of DS8000 functions that can be used with OpenStack, as it applies for DS8880 Release 8.3 and the OpenStack Pike release.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. OpenStack

    Chapter 2. DS8000 integration in an OpenStack environment

    Chapter 3. Using IBM DS8000 in an OpenStack environment


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