The tight integration that IBM DB2® for z/OS® has with the IBM System z® architecture and the z/OS environment creates a synergy that allows DB2 to use advanced z/OS platform functions.
This IBM® Redpaper™ publication provides a brief review of storage hard technology and the latest innovation in flash technology. It explains how solid-state drives (SSD) and High-Performance Flash Enclosures (HPFE) can contribute to the performance improvements of DB2 applications. It then provides a guide through disk configuration alternatives, which include Flash, SSDs, and spinning disks. It also explains how automated storage tiering, such as IBM Easy Tier®, can use the cost of flash storage to provide high value at minimal cost. This paper helps you to understand how performance improvements of storage technology can translate into better application performance by using IBM integration of hardware and software functions.
This paper includes the following major topics: