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Enhancing Value to Existing and Future Workloads with IBM z13

An IBM Redpaper publication


Published on 14 January 2015, updated 14 January 2015

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IBM Form #: REDP-5135-00

Authors: Harry Yudenfriend

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Discover how to take advantage of advances in technology to address key demands on today’s mainframes:

- Cloud computing, analytics, mobile access, social media, and security (CAMSS) put new demands on businesses and IT for enhanced resilience, performance, and scale.

- The volume of data and increased file sizes push networks to their limits and stress quality of service.

- A powerful, workload-optimized, open, agile, and highly secure IT infrastructure is required to meet customer expectations.

This IBM® Redbooks® Point-of-View publication discusses the new I/O capabilities in IBM z Systems and identifies ways the enhancements help the enterprise.

Table of Contents

The busines environment demands responses from technology

IBM zSystems I/O plays an important role in supporting workloads

- Improve quality of service

- Streamline I/O execution

- Support for dynamic routing policies in the SAN

- Reduce I/O latency and improve I/O resiliency

What's next: How IBM can help


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