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Foundational Ontologies for Smarter Industries

An IBM Redpaper publication


Published on 18 December 2013, updated 31 January 2014

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IBM Form #: REDP-5081-00

Authors: Akram Bou-Ghannam

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    This IBM® Redpaper™ describes foundational concepts for implementing “smarter” industry solutions that aim to optimize industrial processes and operations, and improve decision making. Smarter solutions harness the power of information and require information models to provide the much needed context for integration, interoperability, and analytics. Smarter solutions share the common pattern of Monitor, Assess, Predict, and Optimize, and thus demand reference information models (ontologies) for capturing and using observation and measurement data.

    The ontologies that are presented in this paper constitute a reference semantic model for capturing observation and measurement data, including sensing and sensor networks, quantity kinds and units of measure, geo-spatial representations, and asset registry information.

    Table of Contents

    Introduction to Foundational Ontologies

    Why ontology-driven smarter solutions

    Foundational Ontologies for Smarter Industries overview

    Onthology-driven solution architecture

    Usage scenarios

    Environmental Analytics domain ontolog

    Environmental Analytics modelling example

    Additional information for the Observation and Measurement ontology

    Additional information for the Quantity Kinds, Quantity Values, and Units of Measure ontologies


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