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Overcoming the Challenges of Financial Regulatory Compliance with an Integrated Approach

An IBM Redpaper publication


Published on 30 July 2013

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IBM Form #: REDP-5038-00

Authors: Alex Kooijmans Louwe and Saran Bommakanti

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    Regulatory compliance, an ongoing concern for many financial institutions, has intensified significantly by the recent financial crisis. New and changing regulations, such as the US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), continue to challenge global financial institutions. This IBM® Redbooks® Point-of-View publication describes how organizations can stay ahead of regulations using an integrated IT approach that provides the following key benefits:

    • Shared use of information with master data management (MDM) helps avoid duplicate information that is not consistent.
    • A common enterprise-wide tool and repository for maintaining business rules can ensure multiple business units work with the same and latest versions of business rules.
    • Applying analytics to information helps to correlate information and events.
    • Avoiding point solutions and taking advantage of a single integrated IT infrastructure can help to reduce costs.

    Table of Contents


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