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Maximize IBM System z ROI with Open Cloud Management and Policy-based Optimization

An IBM Redpaper publication


Published on 30 May 2013

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IBM Form #: REDP-5008-00

Authors: David Jackson, David Handy and Kershaw Mehta

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IBM® System z® servers are valued for their resiliency, and companies and government agencies worldwide place their trust in them with good reason. However, as enterprises establish heterogeneous private cloud environments, a need has emerged for a middleware solution that is inclusive of System z environments. This solution must unify workload management and remove barriers to efficient use of virtualized resources.

Moab® Cloud Suite is a multi-dimensional policy engine and cloud management solution that can enable rapid implementation of heterogeneous private cloud environments. A capable, lightweight solution, Moab Cloud Suite automates the creation of standardized or customized virtual services in the System z environment. It can help users and groups in the organization tap into the high reliability and cost efficiency of running services in a System z environment. In addition, it is based on an open architecture that can take advantage of xCAT and other key components.

The Moab intelligence engine recognizes workloads, the service level agreements (SLAs) that are associated with them, and the resources that are required to optimally run them. In addition, it provides a future vision for unified cloud management, regardless of whether workloads are created and optimized on IBM System x®, Power Systems™, or System z. The Moab Cloud Suite user interface enables administrators to see, control, migrate, and terminate those workloads. Moreover, IT administrators with no System z experience, and even authorized users with varied or no technical training, can see and control workloads and can assess the health of workload environments, thus freeing the System z administrator for more strategic tasks. In addition, Moab Cloud Suite can track and report ongoing resource usage and costs to users and groups so that proper decommissioning can take place and underutilization and waste due to forgotten and endlessly running processes do not occur. This process also ensures that organizations pay for the portion of the resources that they use in the System z environment for high-cost efficiency.

This IBM Redpaper™ publication is a reference to various use cases that are available to enable and manage cloud computing by using System z and Moab Cloud Suite. By removing barriers to utilization, preventing overutilization and resource waste, and automating the process of administering virtual server services, Moab Cloud Suite enables the use of System z resources right up to the maximum of what the platform can sustain, with minimal human input. Moab Cloud Suite is the product of more than 10 years of collaboration between Adaptive Computing and IBM. This publication is intended for system administrators, IT executives, cloud architects, and other IT processionals who are looking for ways to maximize System z return on investment and to optimize the value and integration of multiple IBM environments.

Table of Contents


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