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Using IBM Operational Decision Manager: IMS COBOL BMP, COBOL DLIBATCH, and COBOL MPP

An IBM Redpaper publication


Published on 06 June 2013

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ISBN-10: 0738451002
ISBN-13: 9780738451008
IBM Form #: REDP-4997-00

Authors: Fiona Crowther, Deepak Kohli and Axel Buecker

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    IBM® Operational Decision Manager (ODM) is an implementation of a Business Rule Management System (BRMS). It enables you to create, manage, test, and govern business rules and events. You can store these in a central repository where multiple individuals and software products can access them.

    IBM ODM Version 8.0 provides support for IBM® IMS™ COBOL programs. This IBM Redpaper™ publication walks you through a step-by-step approach for using IBM ODM for rules management from an IMS COBOL MPP, BMP, or DL/IBATCH program.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. Using IBM Operational Decision Manager for rules management support

    Chapter 2. Setting up rules in ODM

    Chapter 3. Coding IMS programs to use ODM for rules management

    Appendix A. COBOL copybooks

    Appendix B. HBRENVPR DD statement

    Appendix C. Sample miniloan application program

    Appendix D. JCL to run an IMS DLIBatch program or BMP that uses Rule Execution Server for z/OS

    Appendix E. Further rules definitions


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