ISBN-10: 0738450979
ISBN-13: 9780738450971
IBM Form #: REDP-4985-00
Authors: Scott Vetter, James Cruickshank, Sorin Hanganu, Volker Haug, Stephen Lutz, John T Schmidt and Marco Vallone
This IBM® Redpaper™ publication is a comprehensive guide covering the IBM Power 750 and Power 760 servers supporting IBM AIX®, IBM i, and Linux operating systems. The goal of this paper is to introduce the major innovative Power 750 and Power 760 offerings and their prominent functions:
Professionals who want to acquire a better understanding of IBM Power Systems™ products should read this paper.
This Redpaper expands the current set of IBM Power Systems documentation by providing a desktop reference that offers a detailed technical description of the 750 and 760 systems.
This paper does not replace the latest marketing materials and configuration tools. It is intended as an additional source of information that, together with existing sources, may be used to enhance your knowledge of IBM server solutions.
For additional reading: A Technote is availalble that explains the performance architecture of this server. It is of interest to those migrating workloads from existing Power 750 servers. It can be found at:
Architecture of the IBM POWER7+ Tecnology-Based IBM Power 750 and IBM Power 760 Technote
Chapter 1. General description
Chapter 2. Architecture and technical overview
Chapter 3. Virtualization
Chapter 4. Continuous availability and manageability