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Performance and Capacity Themes for Cloud Computing

An IBM Redpaper publication


Published on 18 March 2013, updated 20 March 2013

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ISBN-10: 0738451207
ISBN-13: 9780738451206
IBM Form #: REDP-4876-00

Authors: Elisabeth Stahl, Andrea Corona, Frank De Gilio, Marcello Demuro, Ann Dowling, Lydia Duijvestijn, Avin Fernandes, Dave Jewell, Bharathraj Keshavamurthy, Shmuel Markovits, Chandrakandh Mouleeswaran, Shawn Raess and Kevin Yu

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    This IBM® Redpaper™ is the second in a series that addresses the performance and capacity considerations of the evolving cloud computing model. The first Redpaper publication (Performance Implications of Cloud Computing, REDP-4875) introduced cloud computing with its various deployment models, support roles, and offerings along with IT performance and capacity implications associated with these deployment models and offerings.

    In this redpaper, we discuss lessons learned in the two years since the first paper was written. We offer practical guidance about how to select workloads that work best with cloud computing, and about how to address areas, such as performance testing, monitoring, service level agreements, and capacity planning considerations for both single and multi-tenancy environments.

    We also provide an example of a recent project where cloud computing solved current business needs (such as cost reduction, optimization of infrastructure utilization, and more efficient systems management and reporting capabilities) and how the solution addressed performance and capacity challenges.

    We conclude with a summary of the lessons learned and a perspective about how cloud computing can affect performance and capacity in the future.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. Introduction to cloud computing

    Chapter 2. Cloud computing workloads

    Chapter 3. Performance testing for cloud computing

    Chapter 4. Monitoring for best practices in cloud computing

    Chapter 5. Capacity management for cloud computing

    Chapter 6. Conclusion

    Appendix A. Key terms

    Appendix B. IBM Tivoli Unified Process (ITUP)

    Appendix C. IBM Tivoli tools


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