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SNA Modernization Strategy for Access Node Connectivity

An IBM Redpaper publication


Published on 31 July 2012, updated 26 March 2013

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IBM Form #: REDP-4871-00

Authors: Smith L. Jeff and Edward Burr

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This IBM® Redpaper™ publication describes the implementation of the Systems Network Architecture (SNA) modernization strategy with respect to access node connectivity. There are many established SNA applications used in financial, medical, and manufacturing industries that run on access nodes (remote endpoints) to execute and track transactions. As Internet usage increases in these industries, the established SNA applications remain critical because of business process requirements.

This paper describes the strategy of consolidating the underlying SNA resources and management to data centers to be more efficient and cost-effective. The applications on the endpoints remain untouched and the connectivity becomes modernized. The cloud-like strategy of SNA modernization for client/server implementation is described with scenarios and examples.

This paper is for developers who want to learn more about implementing SNA modernization strategies in order to make their data centers more efficient and cost-effective.

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