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IBM Business Process Manager V7.5 Performance Tuning and Best Practices

An IBM Redpaper publication


Published on 11 April 2012

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ISBN-10: 0738450596
ISBN-13: 9780738450599
IBM Form #: REDP-4784-00

Authors: Performance Management Process Business IBM Team

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This IBM® Redpaper™ publication provides performance tuning tips and best practices for IBM Business Process Manager (BPM) V7.5 (all editions) and IBM Business Monitor V7.5. These products represent an integrated development and runtime environment based on a key set of service-oriented architecture (SOA) and business process management technologies. Such technologies include Service Component Architecture (SCA), Service Data Object (SDO), Business Process Execution Language for Web services (BPEL), and Business Processing Modeling Notation (BPMN).

Both BPM and Business Monitor build on the core capabilities of the IBM WebSphere® Application Server infrastructure. As a result, BPM solutions benefit from tuning, configuration, and best practices information for WebSphere Application Server and the corresponding platform Java Virtual Machines (JVMs).

This paper targets a wide variety of groups, both within IBM (development, services, technical sales, and others) and customers. For customers who are either considering or are in the early stages of implementing a solution incorporating BPM and Business Monitor, this document proves a useful reference. The paper is useful both in terms of best practices during application development and deployment and as a reference for setup, tuning, and configuration information.

This paper introduces many of the issues influencing the performance of each product and can serve as a guide for making rational first choices in terms of configuration and performance settings. Similarly, customers who have already implemented a solution using these products might use the information presented here to gain insight into how their overall integrated solution performance might be improved.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Overview

Chapter 2. Architecture best practices

Chapter 3. Development best practices

Chapter 4. Performance tuning and configuration

Chapter 5. Initial configuration settings


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