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Data Studio and DB2 for z/OS Stored Procedures

An IBM Redpaper publication


Published on 15 March 2011

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ISBN-10: 0738450448
ISBN-13: 9780738450445
IBM Form #: REDP-4717-00

Authors: Paolo Bruni and Marichu Scanlon

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    Stored procedures can provide major benefits in the areas of application performance, code re-use, security, and integrity. DB2® has offered ever-improving support for developing and operating stored procedures.

    This IBM® Redpaper™ publication is devoted to tools that can be used for accelerating the development and debugging process, in particular to the stored procedure support provided by the latest and fastest evolving IBM product: Data Studio.

    We discuss topics related to handling stored procedures across different platforms. We concentrate on how to use tools for deployment of stored procedures on z/OS®, but most considerations apply to the other members of the DB2 family.

    This paper is a major update of Part 6, "Cool tools for an easier life," of the IBM Redbooks® publication DB2 9 for z/OS Stored Procedures: Through the CALL and Beyond, SG24-7604.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. The IBM Data Studio V2.2.1

    Chapter 2. Developing stored procedures with Data Studio

    Chapter 3. Additional development features in the Data Studio products

    Chapter 4. Debugging stored procedures with Data Studio

    Appendix A. Reference material


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