IBM® System i® and IBM System p® platforms unify the value of their servers into a single, powerful lineup of servers based on industry-leading POWER6™ processor technology with support for the IBM AIX®, IBM i (formerly known as i5/OS®), and Linux® operating systems. This new, single portfolio of IBM Power Systems™ servers offers industry-leading technology, continued IBM innovation, and the flexibility to deploy the operating system that your business requires.
The Power 570 and Power 595 models announced in April 2008 are fully converged. The Power 520 and Power 550 models announced January 2008 and the April 2008 announcements brought these models very close to complete convergence. The October 2008 announcements and firmware made available November 2008 brought full convergence for the Power 520 and Power 550.
This IBM Redpaper™ publication is intended for professionals who want to acquire a better understanding of IBM Power Systems products, including:
-- Clients
-- Sales and marketing professionals
-- Technical support professionals
-- IBM Business Partners
This paper provides hardware-focused processor, memory, and I/O feature descriptions that are supported by the POWER6 Power 570 and Power 595 servers. The goal of this paper is to ensure that customers with IBM System i and IBM System p experience understand the POWER6 capabilities on these servers with a focus on hardware technology and features starting with this single comprehensive paper that covers the following IBM Power 570 and IBM Power 595 Machine Type and Models (MTMs):
-- POWER6 570 9406-MMA
-- POWER6 570 9117-MMA
-- POWER6 595 9119-FFA
A companion paper will available for the POWER6 520 and 550 MTMs (IBM Power 520 and Power 550 (POWER6) System Builder, REDP-4412). Available now are the following POWER6 technical overview and introduction papers:
-- Power 520 (IBM Power Systems 520 Technical Overview and Introduction, REDP-4403)
-- Power 550 (IBM System p 550 Technical Overview and Introduction, REDP-4404)
-- Power 570 (IBM System p 570 Technical Overview and Introduction, REDP-4405)
-- Power 595 (IBM Power 595 Technical Overview and Introduction, REDP-4440)
This paper does not replace the latest marketing materials, tools, and other IBM publications that are available. For complete documentation, refer to the IBM Systems Hardware Information Center:
This paper is based upon the current set of IBM Power Systems documentation that is available in various IBM publications and IBM Power Systems Web sites. However, it also provides significant additional information--all in one document. When appropriate, this paper points to these other sources for more detailed or more frequently updated information.
Common POWER6 capabilities that we address in this paper include:
-- PowerVM™ virtualization
-- EnergyScale™ technology that provides features such as power trending, power-saving, thermal measurement, and processor napping
-- Mainframe-based continuous reliability, availability, and serviceability.
-- I/O feature terminology, technology, and technical descriptions
-- Supported operating system release level requirements
-- Hardware decimal floating point support
We include MTM chapters that specifically address processor, memory, and I/O features that are supported by that MTM. Then, following these MTM chapters is a large feature descriptions chapter, Chapter 4, "Feature descriptions and related information" on page 187, and various specific topic chapters and appendixes.
We also include summaries of AIX and IBM i operating system capabilities and associated licensed program products that are available.
Chapter 1. Introduction to the POWER6 IBM Power System servers
Chapter 2. IBM Power 570 Model 9117-MMA
Chapter 3. IBM Power 595 model 9119-FHA
Chapter 4. Feature descriptions and related information
Chapter 5. IBM TotalStorage EXP24 disk enclosures
Chapter 6. EXP 12S SAS Disk Enclosure
Chapter 7. Feature code to CCIN cross-reference
Chapter 8. Integrated Virtual Ethernet
Chapter 9. IBM Power systems I/O enclosures schematics
Chapter 10. Tape and optical storage attachment summary
Chapter 11. RIO-2 12X SPCN line cord SAS and communication cables for IBM Power Systems models
Appendix A. IBM AIX operating system and release level summary
Appendix B. IBM i operating system and licensed program release level summary
Appendix C. RAID history and definitions summary
Appendix D. Upgrades to Power 9117-MMA and Power 9119-FHA
Appendix E. IBM PowerVM
Appendix F. IBM I/O adapters that require an IOP summary
Appendix G. 9407-M15, 9408-M25, 9409-M50, 9406-MMA direct attachment to AIX and Linux partition feature summary
Appendix H. Processor feature numbers, system performance and IBM i QPRCFEAT system value
Appendix I. POWER6 reliability, availability and serviceability summary