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Integrated Identity and Access Management Architectural Patterns

An IBM Redpaper publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 29 May 2008

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IBM Form #: REDP-4423-00

Authors: Axel Buecker, Dwijen Bhatt, Daniel Craun, Dr. Jayashree Ramanathan, Neil Readshaw and Govindaraj Sampathkumar

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Customers implement an integrated Identity and Access Management (IAM) solution to address many business requirements. The overall driving requirement is to provide a combination of business processes and technologies to manage and secure access to the information and resources within the organization.

Towards addressing this overall goal, the IAM solution first needs to provide a method of granting users access to applications and systems across the enterprise that they need to perform their jobs. Second, it needs the capability to authorize proper access levels to resources based on business policies. Third, for Web-accessed resources, the solution needs to provide a means of authenticating people and only require a single sign-on (SSO) to access resources to which they have been granted access. Finally, there needs to be an audit trail to ensure proper operation of the IAM system.

In this Redpaper, we describe several common business use cases for an integrated IAM solution. We then describe how the IBM Tivoli Identity Manager and IBM Tivoli Access Manager products integrate in a typical deployment to address these business use cases.

Table of Contents


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