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SAP NetWeaver Java on IBM i5/OS

An IBM Redpaper publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 21 November 2006

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IBM Form #: REDP-4200-00

Authors: Susan Powers, Kolby Hoelzle, Christoph Langer and Adriana Sanchez

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IBM i5/OS and System i technology are proven platforms for SAP applications. With more than 10 years of success across more than 2500 SAP worldwide installations in small, medium, and large enterprises, System i models are an ideal platform for SAP customers who are looking for easy usability, high performance, reliability, and carefree operation of their SAP applications. The unique value of System i lies in its ability to reduce information technology (IT) complexity and to simplify SAP system landscapes.

This IBM Redpaper focuses on SAP Java technology. It can be used in conjunction with the IBM Redbooks publication Implementing SAP Applications on the IBM System i Platform with IBM i5/OS, SG24-7166. This publication explores areas that are specific to the implementation and integration of the SAP Web Application Server for Java on i5/OS. Included in this document is an overview of the SAP Application Server architecture and how it is implemented on i5/OS. It also includes a discussion on Java and the i5/OS Classic JVM , followed by configuration and tuning recommendations and finally how to analyze problems.

We wrote this Redpaper to assist SAP basis consultants and other information technology (I/T) professionals in implementing a successful SAP system installation based on SAP Java technology.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Architecture

Chapter 2. The Java Virtual Machine

Chapter 3. Implementation of the SAP Java Application Server in i5/OS

Chapter 4. Configuration and tuning

Chapter 5. Debugging Java applications

Chapter 6. Problem analysis


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