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z/OS UNIX Security Fundamentals

An IBM Redpaper publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 05 February 2007

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IBM Form #: REDP-4193-00

Authors: Chris Rayns, Patrick Kappeler, Finn Christensen, Jean-Marc Darees and Dominique Richard

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This IBM Redpaper introduces the z/OS UNIX security model and implementation to MVS knowledgeable and security-minded users. It does not address in detail all the wealth of specific security features available in z/OS UNIX, but rather the base principles of operation and the mechanisms implementation with setup recommendations.

We assume that the user already has a knowledge of the most commonly used IBM Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) setups and commands. However, we do not provide detailed procedures and explanations about the use of these commands.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Overview of the UNIX operating system model

Chapter 2. Overview of z/OS UNIX implementation

Chapter 3. z/OS UNIX users and groups identity management

Chapter 4. z/OS UNIX task identity management

Chapter 5. The z/OS UNIX security model

Chapter 6. z/OS UNIX files security

Chapter 7. Overview of multilevel security

Chapter 8. Considerations on z/OS UNIX program management

Chapter 9. Auditing z/OS UNIX

Appendix A. BPX. RACF profiles

Appendix B. C/C++ functions and UNIX System Services callable services


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