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IBM eServer iSeries Systems Management Handbook

An IBM Redpaper publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 05 December 2005

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IBM Form #: REDP-4070-00

Authors: Jim Cook, David Sandifer, Ken Brown, Joe Burns, Susan Crowell and Tim Kramer

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    This IBM Redpaper gives a broad understanding of the systems management products available from IBM to help you manage iSeries systems. Its intended audience is those who manage iSeries systems either as stand-alone systems or along with other systems as part of a larger environment. An overview of the products is included with information about when to use which product. Product functions, features, and target environments are discussed, along with comparisons of the tools. The products discussed include iSeries Navigator, its Management Central functions and Web-based interface, IBM Director, Virtualization Engine console, and Tivoli products that support iSeries.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. iSeries systems management products

    Chapter 2. iSeries Navigator

    Chapter 3. Management Central

    Chapter 4. IBM Director

    Chapter 5. Virtualization Engine console

    Chapter 6. Tivoli products

    Chapter 7. When, why, and where to use the products

    Appendix A. Tivoli OMEGAMON solutions

    Appendix B. Product details


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