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Reduce Risk and Improve Security on IBM Mainframes: Volume 1 Architecture and Platform Security

An IBM Redbooks publication


Published on 09 December 2014, updated 22 March 2016

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ISBN-10: 0738440108
ISBN-13: 9780738440101
IBM Form #: SG24-7803-01

Authors: Axel Buecker, Boudhayan Chakrabarty, Lennie Dymoke-Bradshaw, Cesar Goldkorn, Brian Hugenbruch, Madhukar Reddy Nali, Vinodkumar Ramalingam, Botrous Thalouth and Jan Thielmann

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This IBM® Redbooks® publication documents the strength and value of the IBM security strategy with IBM System z® hardware and software. In an age of increasing security consciousness, IBM System z provides the capabilities to address the needs of today's business security challenges. This publication explores how System z hardware is designed to provide integrity, process isolation, and cryptographic capability to help address security requirements. This book highlights the features of IBM z/OS® and other operating systems, which offer various customizable security elements under the Security Server and Communication Server components. This book describes z/OS and other operating systems and additional software that leverage the building blocks of System z hardware to provide solutions to business security needs.

This publication's intended audience is technical architects, planners, and managers who are interested in exploring how the security design and features of System z, the z/OS operating system, and associated software address current issues, such as data encryption, authentication, authorization, network security, auditing, ease of security administration, and monitoring.

Table of Contents

Part 1. Direction and architecture

Chapter 1. Introduction: Why these books are being written

Chapter 2. Foundation of a holistic security architecture

Chapter 3. Mainframe security architecture in the enterprise

Chapter 4. Hardware components

Chapter 5. Software components

Chapter 6. Security solutions for IBM System z

Part 2. Guiding principles for IBM System z security

Chapter 7. Organizing for security

Chapter 8. IBM System z hardware

Chapter 9. IBM z/OS security

Chapter 10. z/VM security

Chapter 11. Linux on System z security


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