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OSA-Express Implementation Guide

An IBM Redbooks publication


Published on 04 June 2014

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ISBN-10: 0738439436
ISBN-13: 9780738439433
IBM Form #: SG24-5948-06

Authors: Mike Ebbers, Wonjin Chung, Dody Kurniadi and Joselito Manoto

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This IBM® Redbooks® publication will help you to install, tailor, and configure the Open Systems Adapter (OSA) features that are available on IBM zEnterprise® servers. It focuses on the hardware installation and the software definitions that are necessary to provide connectivity to LAN environments. This information will help you with planning and system setup. This book also includes helpful utilities and commands for monitoring and managing the OSA features.

This information will be helpful to systems engineers, network administrators, and system programmers who plan for and install OSA features. The reader is expected to have a good understanding of IBM System z® hardware, Hardware Configuration Definition (HCD) or the input/output configuration program (IOCP), Open Systems Adapter Support Facility (OSA/SF), Systems Network Architecture/Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking (SNA/APPN), and TCP/IP protocol.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Open Systems Adapter overview

Chapter 2. Quick Start guide

Chapter 3. Hardware configuration definitions

Chapter 4. QDIO mode for the IBM z/OS operating system

Chapter 5. QDIO mode for the IBM z/VM operating system

Chapter 6. Non-QDIO mode for the IBM z/OS operating system

Chapter 7. Non-QDIO mode for the IBM z/VM operating system

Chapter 8. QDIO and non-QDIO modes for the IBM z/VSE operating system

Chapter 9. IBM z/OS virtual MAC support

Chapter 10. VLAN support

Chapter 11. z/VM virtual switch

Appendix A. Open Systems Adapter-Express features

Appendix B. Network Traffic Analyzer

Appendix C. Hardware Management Console and Support Element tasks

Appendix D. Useful setup and verification commands

Appendix E. Using the Open Systems Adapter Support Facility

Appendix F. Using the OSA/SF operating system-based interface

Appendix G. TCP/IP Passthru mode

Appendix H. Our configuration definitions

Appendix I. Address Resolution Protocol takeover

Appendix J. Resource Measurement Facility in an OSA environment

Appendix K. Authorization in the IBM z/VM operating system


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