z/OS Diagnostic Data Collection and Analysis
An IBM Redbooks publication
Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.
Published on 23 August 2005
ISBN-10: 0738493996
ISBN-13: 9780738493992
IBM Form #: SG24-7110-00
Authors: Paul Rogers and David Carey
This IBM Redbooks publication describes problem diagnosis fundamentals and analysis methodologies for the z/OS system. It provides guidelines for the collection of relevant diagnostic data, tips for analyzing the data, and techniques to assist in identifying and resolving of Language Environment, CICS, CICSPlex/SM, MQSeries, VTAM, and DB2 problems. Also described are some diagnostic procedures that are not purely z/OS, but that are related to the various platforms (UNIX and Windows) where IBM software executes and interacts with z/OS in a Client/Server or distributed framework topology.
This document shows you how to:
- Adopt a systematic and thorough approach to dealing with problems
- Identify the different types of problems
- Determine where to look for diagnostic information and how to obtain it
- Interpret and analyze the diagnostic data collected
- Escalate problems to the IBM Support Center when necessary
Diagnostic data collection and analysis is a dynamic and complex process. This book shows you how to identify and document problems, collect and analyze pertinent diagnostic data and obtain help as needed, to speed you on your way to problem resolution.
Chapter 1. z/OS problem diagnosis fundamentals
Chapter 2. What version/release am I running?
Chapter 3. Fundamental sources of diagnostic data
Chapter 4. Common problem types
Chapter 5. MVS messages and codes
Chapter 6. SYS1.PARMLIB diagnostic parameters
Chapter 7. Cancelling tasks and taking dumps
Chapter 8. zArchitecture and addressing
Chapter 9. z/OS trace facilities
Chapter 10. Interactive Problem Control System (IPCS)
Chapter 11. CICS problem diagnosis
Chapter 12. z/OS Language Environment
Chapter 13. CICSPlex SM diagnostic procedures
Chapter 14. DB2 problem diagnosis
Chapter 15. IMS diagnostic data collection
Chapter 16. VTAM diagnostic procedures
Chapter 17. TCP/IP component and packet trace
Chapter 18. CICS Transaction Gateway on z/OS
Chapter 19. WebSphere MQSeries z/OS diagnostic procedures
Chapter 20. WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker on z/OS
Chapter 21. WebSphere Application Server for z/OS
Chapter 22. Distributed platform problem determination