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Building Real-time Mobile Solutions with MQTT and IBM MessageSight

An IBM Redbooks publication


Published on 10 November 2014, updated 05 December 2014

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ISBN-10: 0738440051
ISBN-13: 9780738440057
IBM Form #: SG24-8228-00

Authors: Bryan Boyd, Joel Gauci, Michael P Robertson, Nguyen Van Duy, Rahul Gupta, Vasfi Gucer and Vladimir Kislicins

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MQTT is a messaging protocol designed for the Internet of Things (IoT). It is lightweight enough to be supported by the smallest devices, yet robust enough to ensure that important messages get to their destinations every time. With MQTT devices, such as energy meters, cars, trains, mobile phones and tablets, and personal health care devices, devices can communicate with each other and with other systems or applications.

IBM® MessageSight is a messaging appliance designed to handle the scale and security of a robust IoT solution. MessageSight allows you to easily secure connections, configure policies for messaging, and scale to up to a million concurrently connected devices.

This IBM Redbooks® publication introduces MQTT and MessageSight through a simple key fob remote MQTT application. It then dives into the architecture and development of a robust, cross-platform Ride Share and Taxi solution (PickMeUp) with real-time voice, GPS location sharing, and chat among a variety of mobile platforms. The publication also includes an addendum describing use cases in a variety of other domains, with sample messaging topology and suggestions for design.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1.Overview of MQTT

Chapter 2. Getting started with MQTT

Chapter 3. Overview of IBM MessageSight

Chapter 4. Typical network topology, messaging patterns, and considerations

Chapter 5. IBM MessageSight and the key fob remote application

Chapter 6. Overview of the PickMeUp application

Chapter 7. PickMeUp messaging scenario

Chapter 8. PickMeUp MQTT on iOS

Chapter 9. PickMeUp MQTT on Android

Chapter 10. PickMeUp MQTT in HTML5 applications

Chapter 11. Download, deploy, and run PickMeUp in iOS, Android, and HTML environments

Appendix A. The MQTT protocol

Appendix B. Additional material


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