ISBN-10: 0738437727
ISBN-13: 9780738437729
IBM Form #: SG24-8070-00
Authors: Frank Kyne, Karan Singh, Karla Arndt, Stephen Barton, Mark Noonan and Ryotaroh Sawada
This IBM® Redbooks® publication explains the capabilities of the IBM System z® Advanced Workload Analysis Reporter (IBM zAware), and shows how you can use it as an integral part of your existing System z management tools.
IBM zAware is an integrated, self-learning, analytics solution for IBM z/OS® that helps identify unusual system behavior in near real time. It is designed to help IT personnel improve problem determination so they can restore service quickly and improve overall availability.
The book gives you a conceptual description of the IBM zAware appliance. It will help you to understand how it fits into the family of IBM mainframe system management tools that include Runtime Diagnostics, Predictive Failure Analysis (PFA), IBM Health Checker for z/OS, and z/OS Management Facility (z/OSMF).
You are provided with the information you need to get IBM zAware up and running so you can start to benefit from its capabilities immediately. You will learn how to manage an IBM zAware environment, and see how other products can use the IBM zAware Application Programming Interface to extract information from IBM zAware for their own use. The target audience includes system programmers, system operators, configuration planners, and system automation analysts.
Chapter 1. Introduction to IBM zAware
Chapter 2. IBM z/OS system management functions
Chapter 3. Planning for an IBM zAware implementation
Chapter 4. IBM zAware Installation
Chapter 5. Maintaining and managing IBM zAware
Chapter 6. Integrating IBM zAware with other IBM products
Appendix A. Syslog Message Analysis Program
Appendix B. Activating TCP/IP AT-TLS
Appendix C. Using automation to monitor IBM zAware connections
Appendix D. Problem determination sample